The TDP will carry out a number of interventions that cut across all the three outputs to ensure their effective and successful implementation in a sustainable manner. These crosscutting issues include:
1. Organizational Development.
2. Community Engagement, Social Inclusion and Gender;.
3. Teacher Motivation which will also involve discussion on teacher career path; and
4. Quality Assurance of teachers and schools.
Organisational Development
This component looks at the capacity and capability of the various agencies to plan, budget and implement the TDP reform on a sustainable basis.
Community Engagement, social inclusion and gender
TDP is collaborating with Civil Society Organisations through School Based Management Committees (SBMCs) and the state union of teachers to identify community needs for teacher training, employment and how to increase female participation in teaching.
Quality Assurance (QA) and school evaluation
TDP works with the state-owned Quality Assurance systems to design interventions that identify schools that have benefited from the TDP, to ensure that the teachers are implementing what they were taught and that the pupils are actually learning.
Teacher Motivation programme
The team works with the relevant stakeholders to design, initiate and institutionalise incentive systems and programmes that will improve the status of teachers, motivate them and professionalise their work. The programme collaborates with CSOs such as CSACEFA and the national and state unions of teachers to adapt local initiatives for motivating teachers.